Saturday, April 29, 2006

Hermes Hurled

Speaking of literature, check out this, one of my favorite blogs:

Then scroll down to this link:
There is no God.

Friday, April 14, 2006

DOO your part

Hey everyone, it's Poop for Peace day! Check out this web site, and be sure you do your part; you'll feel so much better for it!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Kids These Days

Yesterday, I got an email asking me to sign and forward a petition to the president (of all people), which would require kids in schools to say the Pledge of Allegiance every day. I didn't read the email until early evening, as I was busy doing things working people do on Saturday, but by the time I did read it, there was another one in my mailbox, chastising me for not signing, or at least forwarding the original.

Now, I love my country as much as the next citizen, maybe more, for all the chastiser knows, and I don't have a problem with kids saying the pledge, but I have a problem with being judged because I didn't immediately forward the thing, and I think I'm going to leave a child behind on this one. I'm already the clothing police, cell phone police, gameboy police, ipod police, cigarettes, drugs and alcohol police, and the closest thing to a mother some of the kids I teach have; I'm gonna pass on requiring a bunch of surly ninth graders to stand and "prove" they love their country at 8:20 every morning. I can't remember ever saying the pledge in a high school classroom, and I think I turned out fine.

Believe me, the pledge is the least of our worries in schools. I'd be more interested in petitioning for students' parents to have jobs that pay a living wage while their companies' ceos make millions and the people who can afford to invest heavily in company stocks pocket huge sums of tax-free cash. Let's pledge to give them all health care, instead of bloating the bank accounts of health care corporations; let's give them new text books, instead of sucking up school budgets with the costs of administering redundant tests, leaving the poorest kids in the poorest schools further in the hole; let's give them class sizes under 30, so if they aren't learning, they'll get noticed and helped; let's give them a school that's heated to above 67 degrees in the Minnesota winter, instead of refusing to control skyrocketing energy costs; let's fully fund IDEA so special education isn't viewed as an albatross that sucks resources from kids who really need an education; let's provide counselors- one of my students wrote about standing in line behind a parent to smoke meth before she went to school in the morning- our school has TWO counselors for 1600 kids, cut back from three because our dear governor promised no new state taxes. Of course this only forces higher property taxes, so schools in areas with poor tax bases suffer more, but Pawlenty stands there with his shit-eating grin, boasting that he's kept his promise.

Let's give our kids models in government who aren't playing golf at St. Andrew's on the taxpayers' dime, gerrymandering voting districts so they can win, propping up illegal lobbying, leaking classified secrets to further an ideology, sending kids off to fight a war based on lies, breaking laws because they don't like the checks and balances our constitution provides, stuff like that.

Before signing a petition asking the president to make students and teachers in beleaguered schools pledge their allegiance to our republic, let's start with HIM. And while they're at it, whoever wants to pray in school has my permission to get on their knees and beg for something to happen that puts an end to this nightmare. I won't be requiring either of these things, I'll be busy teaching and policing and mothering, so when the youth of America turn out to be a bunch of fascist heathens, feel free to blame me.

Monday, April 03, 2006


A news alert from the Washington Post just landed in my mail box. It says Tom DeLay won't seek re-election in November. Sometimes might doesn't make right. Ain't it grand?

"To greed, all nature is insufficient. " Seneca.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


It has been a weird winter, but I suppose things are always weird, in one way or another. Over the past several months I've experienced twists in my relationships with people who have been in my life for years- the kinds of occurrences that challenge my perceptions of myself and others and change the landscape of our lives. I'm not much of a fan of drama, so frankly, I avoid it. I know this about myself and have been accused of being afraid of confrontation. I choose to believe I'm preserving my mental health, but I realize others don't always see it that way.

Part of being a teacher in a high school is living with the knowledge that dramas are unfolding every moment, many times right before my clueless face. This is usually fine with me. I care deeply about my students, but getting sucked in is detrimental to learning, in many ways; the sheer numbers of people I come into contact with could have me spending the better part of my school life in the vortex, if I become overly enmeshed. After all, somebody has to stand in the front and get on with the business of pronoun agreement. Could be this has a numbing effect and has transferred to other parts of my existence.

The kids have coined a term they use to describe people and situations that are heavy on the drama: Emo. What used to be called drama, and people formerly called drama queens are now simply labeled "emo."

Lately, life has been way emo. Complications, misunderstandings, slights, difficulties and issues (my own included, I'm not claiming immunity here) have come knocking at my door with brute force. My "let it be" mantra seems to be failing me, and I'm struggling to keep my head clear and my heart in the right place.

In the midst of this, I'm looking for a way to experience spring with all its real and metaphorical pleasures. Bring on the green mist that envelopes leafing trees, the robins, crocus, sunshine, smell of clean dirt, clothes flapping on the clothesline, the freshness and purity of spring rain, and the rush of the trout stream. The new starts, rebirth, growth and bright visions of the future. Gimme some spring!