Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
They Didn't Give Me a Stick

Here's something I wrote yesterday; it almost made me late for the Peace Walk (again). "They" say you have found your passion when time slips away while you're doing it.
Isn't this image a hoot? The perfectly groomed, fashionably suited, model teacher in her heels smiles radiantly. I'd buy a ticket to see the looks on my kids' faces when she walked in with that pointy stick- ha!
Teaching English 9
Warm up for handstands and somersaults,
Peruse the roll call rows of too-tall and not quite
Broken hearts, urgent news, hollow eyes, big drama,
Asking, no, pleading, “Who will come along?”
Hands flail and pages fly, looking for a sign.
Life is here, in its lovely and misbegotten forms,
I’ll take the one who sits in a sacred slump
Of hungry bedhead and yesterday’s clothes or
The earnestly fresh, breathless, breakfasted.
This is no place for the particular.
Misplaced modifiers and Tybalt’s temper,
Right now, Ms. C., there are bigger fish to fry,
Let’s at least make something,
Pots or end tables or computer programs.
Why love, death, and grammar?
Friday, October 26, 2007
And now, for something totally different
Because it seems like I complain all too often here, I thought I'd take the opportunity to say this:
This was a good week at school! We are studying Romeo and Juliet in English 9, and I loooooove teaching Shakespeare to kids who are new to it. The creative writers are, well, this term's creative writers just are. Some classes are more into it than others, and I've learned not to take it personally. Also, I'm in the midst of planning a big Link Crew event, and that's moving along without major glitches.
Having just come off last week's three-day week, I thought this one might feel like a crawl, but it didn't. The kids are learning, I'm caught up (relatively speaking), and there are no big crises at hand.
It has been a good work week :-)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Who, Me???
This is the poem from The Writer's Almanac today. There was something about it that rang true- ha! I thought I would share it.
Poem: "I.D. Photo" by Rachel Hadas, from The River of Forgetfulness. © David Robert Books, 2006. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)
I.D. Photo
Since I can feel my radiant nature shine
Out of my face as unmistakably
As sunlight, it comes as a shock to see
The features that apparently are mine.
Mirrors are not a lot of fun to pass,
And snapshots are much worse. Take the I.D.
Picture taken only yesterday
(Take it-I don't want it): sallow face
Pear-shaped from smiling-lumpy anyway,
Droopy, squinty. General discouragement.
I'd blame the painter, if this were in paint,
But can't avoid acknowledging it's me,
No likeness by an artist I could blame
For being bad at matching in with out.
What I see, alas, is what I get.
Victim and culprit are myself and time—
Having seen which, it's time to turn aside;
Look out from, not in at, an aging face
That happens to be mine. No more disgrace
Lies in having lived then having died.
Poem: "I.D. Photo" by Rachel Hadas, from The River of Forgetfulness. © David Robert Books, 2006. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)
I.D. Photo
Since I can feel my radiant nature shine
Out of my face as unmistakably
As sunlight, it comes as a shock to see
The features that apparently are mine.
Mirrors are not a lot of fun to pass,
And snapshots are much worse. Take the I.D.
Picture taken only yesterday
(Take it-I don't want it): sallow face
Pear-shaped from smiling-lumpy anyway,
Droopy, squinty. General discouragement.
I'd blame the painter, if this were in paint,
But can't avoid acknowledging it's me,
No likeness by an artist I could blame
For being bad at matching in with out.
What I see, alas, is what I get.
Victim and culprit are myself and time—
Having seen which, it's time to turn aside;
Look out from, not in at, an aging face
That happens to be mine. No more disgrace
Lies in having lived then having died.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Am I Preachin' to the Choir?
Thomas Friedman's Op-ed column today ends with this:
"So if you want to be a green college kid or a green adult, don’t fool yourself: You can change lights. You can change cars. But if you don’t change leaders, your actions are nothing more than an expression of, as Dick Cheney would say, “personal virtue.”
It drives me nuts when people tell me they don't really follow politics, or worse, that they don't vote because "Politicians are all alike" or "It doesn't make a difference who wins an election; it's all just politics, and we are powerless." ARRRRRRRGH! No they ain't and and yes it does!!!!
Read Friedman's column to understand why:
"So if you want to be a green college kid or a green adult, don’t fool yourself: You can change lights. You can change cars. But if you don’t change leaders, your actions are nothing more than an expression of, as Dick Cheney would say, “personal virtue.”
It drives me nuts when people tell me they don't really follow politics, or worse, that they don't vote because "Politicians are all alike" or "It doesn't make a difference who wins an election; it's all just politics, and we are powerless." ARRRRRRRGH! No they ain't and and yes it does!!!!
Read Friedman's column to understand why:
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sunday Fun
Warning: If you care to follow this post all the way through, there's a lot of cutting and pasting, due to my inept blogging skills. Sorry about that.
I know I've said it before, but Stephen Colbert has to be one of the funniest people on the planet. I am in love with him. If anyone knows what I have to do to make him my boyfriend in the next life, let me know.
I will do ANYTHING.
A Colbert quote:
“Dick Cheney’s fondest pipe dream is driving a bulldozer into The New York Times while drinking crude oil out of Keith Olbermann’s skull.”
I didn't actually hear him say this, but Maureen Dowd did, and that's good enough for me. In her column she challenges him to come in and write a guest op-ed. Of course he accepted the challenge. Read about it here:
If you want to be astonished by his bravery and amazed by one of the funniest productions of political satire imaginable, watch his May 1, 2006 speech at the White House correspondents dinner. His words are genius; the look of fury on Dubyah's face as he sits RIGHT THERE makes life worth living. Colbert is brave, honest and so utterly sexy I could eat him alive- ha!
It takes awhile to load, and all of it isn't there because he went on, and on, and on... with his truthiness. You can find a transcript of it here:
If you want to be thorougly entertained every night, watch his show on The Comedy Channel. I rarely miss it.
I know I've said it before, but Stephen Colbert has to be one of the funniest people on the planet. I am in love with him. If anyone knows what I have to do to make him my boyfriend in the next life, let me know.
I will do ANYTHING.
A Colbert quote:
“Dick Cheney’s fondest pipe dream is driving a bulldozer into The New York Times while drinking crude oil out of Keith Olbermann’s skull.”
I didn't actually hear him say this, but Maureen Dowd did, and that's good enough for me. In her column she challenges him to come in and write a guest op-ed. Of course he accepted the challenge. Read about it here:
If you want to be astonished by his bravery and amazed by one of the funniest productions of political satire imaginable, watch his May 1, 2006 speech at the White House correspondents dinner. His words are genius; the look of fury on Dubyah's face as he sits RIGHT THERE makes life worth living. Colbert is brave, honest and so utterly sexy I could eat him alive- ha!
It takes awhile to load, and all of it isn't there because he went on, and on, and on... with his truthiness. You can find a transcript of it here:
If you want to be thorougly entertained every night, watch his show on The Comedy Channel. I rarely miss it.
Friday, October 12, 2007
For Alex
How is it that we
Humans straddle the fences
Of joy and sorrow?
His mother’s delight,
A longed-for, cherished newborn
Looks on with wise eyes
While her aching heart
Sinks into the memory
Of the world-weary.
Humans straddle the fences
Of joy and sorrow?
His mother’s delight,
A longed-for, cherished newborn
Looks on with wise eyes
While her aching heart
Sinks into the memory
Of the world-weary.
Friday, October 05, 2007
They're Meanies
Here I go again, going all political on you. But this op-ed from today's NYT is too good not to post, and since it so perfectly expresses what I fear (and I do mean fear, as in that creepy feeling one gets when stumbling upon a terrible truth) is the right wing's thing, I'm doing it. They can dress it up in religious rhetoric, appropriate taxation, or patriotism, but the truth is, they're Meanies.
Thank you, Mr. Krugman
October 5, 2007
Op-Ed Columnist
Conservatives Are Such Jokers
In 1960, John F. Kennedy, who had been shocked by the hunger he saw in West Virginia, made the fight against hunger a theme of his presidential campaign. After his election he created the modern food stamp program, which today helps millions of Americans get enough to eat.
But Ronald Reagan thought the issue of hunger in the world’s richest nation was nothing but a big joke. Here’s what Reagan said in his famous 1964 speech “A Time for Choosing,” which made him a national political figure: “We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry each night. Well, that was probably true. They were all on a diet.”
Today’s leading conservatives are Reagan’s heirs. If you’re poor, if you don’t have health insurance, if you’re sick — well, they don’t think it’s a serious issue. In fact, they think it’s funny.
On Wednesday, President Bush vetoed legislation that would have expanded S-chip, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, providing health insurance to an estimated 3.8 million children who would otherwise lack coverage.
In anticipation of the veto, William Kristol, the editor of The Weekly Standard, had this to say: “First of all, whenever I hear anything described as a heartless assault on our children, I tend to think it’s a good idea. I’m happy that the president’s willing to do something bad for the kids.” Heh-heh-heh.
Most conservatives are more careful than Mr. Kristol. They try to preserve the appearance that they really do care about those less fortunate than themselves. But the truth is that they aren’t bothered by the fact that almost nine million children in America lack health insurance. They don’t think it’s a problem.
“I mean, people have access to health care in America,” said Mr. Bush in July. “After all, you just go to an emergency room.”
And on the day of the veto, Mr. Bush dismissed the whole issue of uninsured children as a media myth. Referring to Medicaid spending — which fails to reach many children — he declared that “when they say, well, poor children aren’t being covered in America, if that’s what you’re hearing on your TV screens, I’m telling you there’s $35.5 billion worth of reasons not to believe that.”
It’s not just the poor who find their travails belittled and mocked. The sick receive the same treatment.
Before the last election, the actor Michael J. Fox, who suffers from Parkinson’s and has become an advocate for stem cell research that might lead to a cure, made an ad in support of Claire McCaskill, the Democratic candidate for Senator in Missouri. It was an effective ad, in part because Mr. Fox’s affliction was obvious.
And Rush Limbaugh — displaying the same style he exhibited in his recent claim that members of the military who oppose the Iraq war are “phony soldiers” and his later comparison of a wounded vet who criticized him for that remark to a suicide bomber — immediately accused Mr. Fox of faking it. “In this commercial, he is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He is moving all around and shaking. And it’s purely an act.” Heh-heh-heh.
Of course, minimizing and mocking the suffering of others is a natural strategy for political figures who advocate lower taxes on the rich and less help for the poor and unlucky. But I believe that the lack of empathy shown by Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Kristol, and, yes, Mr. Bush is genuine, not feigned.
Mark Crispin Miller, the author of “The Bush Dyslexicon,” once made a striking observation: all of the famous Bush malapropisms — “I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family,” and so on — have involved occasions when Mr. Bush was trying to sound caring and compassionate.
By contrast, Mr. Bush is articulate and even grammatical when he talks about punishing people; that’s when he’s speaking from the heart. The only animation Mr. Bush showed during the flooding of New Orleans was when he declared “zero tolerance of people breaking the law,” even those breaking into abandoned stores in search of the food and water they weren’t getting from his administration.
What’s happening, presumably, is that modern movement conservatism attracts a certain personality type. If you identify with the downtrodden, even a little, you don’t belong. If you think ridicule is an appropriate response to other peoples’ woes, you fit right in.
And Republican disillusionment with Mr. Bush does not appear to signal any change in that regard. On the contrary, the leading candidates for the Republican nomination have gone out of their way to condemn “socialism,” which is G.O.P.-speak for any attempt to help the less fortunate.
So once again, if you’re poor or you’re sick or you don’t have health insurance, remember this: these people think your problems are funny.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Here's Looking at Us, Kids

It's Tuesday, and the following people have been in my classroom, observing my teaching THIS WEEK:
A principal was in for a "walk-through" observation; these are new this year. Actually, she didn't walk through, she sat down for about ten minutes after coming into the classroom unannounced and tapped away at her pda-- recording how the classroom is arranged, what teaching activity is occurring at that moment, whether the "essential question" for that piece of curriculum is posted, how the kids are responding, etc.
A speech-language specialist was in, to sit with a student who gets her services. She helps the student, and makes suggestions for modifying the curriculum for her needs.
A para comes in daily with a special ed student to help him.
A visiting teacher from Germany came to Creative Writing, as she was curious about how it's taught in the US.
I have friendly relationships with all of these people, they say nice things to me about my teaching, the classroom, the kids, and their attentiveness and responses. I have nothing to hide, I feel fairly secure about my teaching skills, and I've been at it long enough now to know that some days are diamonds and some days are stones, that those who don't actually DO my job really don't have much of a clue about what it actually takes to do it. But geeze. If I was a first-year teacher and all these people who are not my students were WATCHING, I'd be a wreck.
The evaluating, observing, testing, coaching, mentoring, and managing of teachers seems to be the thing in education these days. There is actually an adage teachers used to repeat back in the day that goes something like "shut the door and do your thing"- boy is THAT a thing of the past.
Oh, and did I mention that Monday was a 13-hour day? After a day of school, there were parent-teacher conferences from 4-8. I teach two sections of freshmen, and there was a freshman parent meeting that night, so business was booming at conferences. I can't complain about parents who care enough to come in and check on their kids, now can I? So I won't, but 13 solid hours of being "on", in addition to all the observing is, for an introvert like me, a bit, um,.........taxing.
I have a group of actors coming into each of my freshman English classes Thursday to conduct a discussion of a play the kids will see that morning. Am I the hostess with the mostess or WHAT?
Thank heavens I love my job. But it's the KIDS I love about my job. Anyone remember the kids???
Monday, October 01, 2007
NYT Excitement
The most exciting thing that's happened to me lately is that the NYT has decided to scrap their genious plan of allowing only paid subscribers to access certain columnists and has opened the entire online paper to cheap-os like me. Since I'm lame and can't seem to come up with anything original to post these days, here's a goodie from Thomas Friedman:
Sorry I still can't seem to get a link right. You'll have to copy and paste this to your browser.
Sorry I still can't seem to get a link right. You'll have to copy and paste this to your browser.
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