I remember falling in love with Woody Allen a long time ago; I think it was when I saw Sleeper. When he later proved himself to be a total perv, I kicked him to the curb as boyfriend material, but I still think he's funny. Today, the New York Times quoted this quintessential Allen joke from his book, Getting Even:
A man in asks his uncle, “Could it not be simply that we are alone and aimless, doomed to wander in an indifferent universe, with no hope of salvation, nor any prospect except misery, death, and the empty reality of eternal nothing?”
The uncle replies, “You wonder why you’re not invited to more parties.”
I lol-ed. Ever feel like this guy? Sometimes I do, but I've learned to keep questions like this to myself, cuz I need all the party invites I can get.
An old boyfriend and I used to joke about the Annie Hall scene from which this quote is taken:
Alvy Singer: Here, you look like a very happy couple, um, are you?
Female street stranger: Yeah.
Alvy Singer: Yeah? So, so, how do you account for it?
Female street stranger: Uh, I'm very shallow and empty and I have no ideas and nothing interesting to say.
Male street stranger: And I'm exactly the same way.
Alvy Singer: I see. Wow. That's very interesting. So you've managed to work out something?
The people Alvy's talking to in this scene are both thin, blonde, perfectly groomed, and dressed in the latest styles. I think we laughed because we weren't. Ever. But we thought we had a lot of other things going for us...like the tendancy to pose depressing, existential questions. Come to think of it, we didn't get invited to many parties either...
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