The crud I was afflicted with is nearly gone, and school rolls on. The freshmen are settling in. They are a good bunch, typically energetic, at times completely off the wall, and mostly working hard at trying to keep up and fit in.
The creative writers are a bit quiet and don't seem to be as tuned in to the artsy-fartsyness of it all as the classes I've worked with in the past, but the year is new. I think it's important to give them a feeling of having a place to let go and rev up their creative engines, but this group seems a bit reticent. I'm waiting for something to happen that gives them the push they need to get comfortable and allow their individual natures to shine in their writing. Sometimes there's magic in a class like creative writing; I guess it won't always be there, and instead of doing somersaults to make it happen, perhaps I need to work on my own acceptance.
I'm taking a class in Tai Chi Chih, which is a simplified version of the traditional Tai Chi. I've always been curious about those groups of people I've seen practicing their slow, dance-like meditations in an outdoor setting. I'm in the early stages, but the form seems to be a good fit for me. I'm a walker, not a runner, and I'm hoping the ease and grace of this provides a good foundation for physical meditation. A whirling dervish I ain't.
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