Sunday, December 04, 2005

Call me lazy

Okay, I'm determined to keep this blog going, and I haven't posted for awhile, so how about these thoughts and observations on the world of modern romance:

Lately, I have come into contact with people who are using internet sites to find a romantic partner. I enjoy hearing about how this works for them, but that's about the extent of it for me. I've particularly noticed that for those who take it quite seriously, it's a lot of work! It seems like sending notice of interest, keeping track of those who express interest, and following up with those they aren't interested in, out of consideration, takes a lot of time and effort. I wonder if I would ever feel willing to make such an effort to create a meeting that may lead to romance. Maybe I'm lazy, but just hearing or reading about their experiences nearly wears me out- ha!

I don't consider myself to be a romantic, one who holds the belief that the perfect "match" exists and somehow the gods will create our romantic destiny. I understand that to meet a partner, one has to be available and approachable. But should it take such an effort to find a special someone? A long time ago, a therapist friend of mine told me that in our society, no one should hold onto the idea that finding an appropriate mate will just "happen." And that one who wants a quality relationship must be willing to work as hard at finding the right person as they are willing to work at preserving the relationship after they become involved. I disagreed with that statement. I believed then, and still do, that the most important work takes place maintaining the relationship after it has been established.

I don't know where I'm going with this, except to say that I think I'm in a place, at least right now, where I wouldn't be willing to work so hard at initiating romance, yet I admire those who do! They put themselves "out there," make the effort, even spend money to give themselves a chance at something valuable and precious. They aren't waiting for their romantic desires to be met, they're willing to take action!

Any thoughts?

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