Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Code Monkey Dance

Today I read about Jonathan Coulton, a musician who quit his job in the tech industry to devote himself to music full time. He markets his music on the internet and committed to writing a song a week for a year. His song "Code Monkey" is a tribute to his former life, and his fans love it. I haven't heard a lot of this other stuff, but this one is very pop-y. Confession... I love pop-y sounding music! And I like this song. I think it's funny; extra funny considering Mr. Coutlon's former life as a code monkey.

Here's a YouTube version I particularly like:

A girl in what appears to be a dorm room sets up her web cam and does the Code Monkey dance. In an interview about the infectious nature of the web, he said he was playing a gig and some people in the venue were doing the dance.

I was singing this song in my head all day at school. Have I mentioned I really like monkeys?


John said...


this is awesome, but I can't fucking understand how to respond to this right now. I've tried a thousand times to use this fucker and it just doesn't fucking work. I'll try email, see I if I cand do that anymore. I hate this shit.

John said...

...oops...guess I pushed the right buttons..sorry...