Sunday, October 28, 2007

They Didn't Give Me a Stick

Here's something I wrote yesterday; it almost made me late for the Peace Walk (again). "They" say you have found your passion when time slips away while you're doing it.

Isn't this image a hoot? The perfectly groomed, fashionably suited, model teacher in her heels smiles radiantly. I'd buy a ticket to see the looks on my kids' faces when she walked in with that pointy stick- ha!

Teaching English 9

Warm up for handstands and somersaults,
Peruse the roll call rows of too-tall and not quite
Broken hearts, urgent news, hollow eyes, big drama,
Asking, no, pleading, “Who will come along?”
Hands flail and pages fly, looking for a sign.

Life is here, in its lovely and misbegotten forms,
I’ll take the one who sits in a sacred slump
Of hungry bedhead and yesterday’s clothes or
The earnestly fresh, breathless, breakfasted.
This is no place for the particular.

Misplaced modifiers and Tybalt’s temper,
Right now, Ms. C., there are bigger fish to fry,
Let’s at least make something,
Pots or end tables or computer programs.
Why love, death, and grammar?

1 comment:

amandac said...

I always look that good at work!! My hair is always meticulously coiffed, I never wear anything but a suit (hey - I teach Business Studies so I have to look business like!!) and there's nothing like wearing a good pair of heels when your job involves standing for most of the day! Am I delusional? I'll leave that for you to decide!
As for the stick, if I walked into class with one like that the kids would probably think that I had taken my daily battle with the interactive whiteboard up a notch!!