Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday Fun

Warning: If you care to follow this post all the way through, there's a lot of cutting and pasting, due to my inept blogging skills. Sorry about that.

I know I've said it before, but Stephen Colbert has to be one of the funniest people on the planet. I am in love with him. If anyone knows what I have to do to make him my boyfriend in the next life, let me know.

I will do ANYTHING.

A Colbert quote:

“Dick Cheney’s fondest pipe dream is driving a bulldozer into The New York Times while drinking crude oil out of Keith Olbermann’s skull.”

I didn't actually hear him say this, but Maureen Dowd did, and that's good enough for me. In her column she challenges him to come in and write a guest op-ed. Of course he accepted the challenge. Read about it here:

If you want to be astonished by his bravery and amazed by one of the funniest productions of political satire imaginable, watch his May 1, 2006 speech at the White House correspondents dinner. His words are genius; the look of fury on Dubyah's face as he sits RIGHT THERE makes life worth living. Colbert is brave, honest and so utterly sexy I could eat him alive- ha!

It takes awhile to load, and all of it isn't there because he went on, and on, and on... with his truthiness. You can find a transcript of it here:

If you want to be thorougly entertained every night, watch his show on The Comedy Channel. I rarely miss it.

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