Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I haven't died or crawled under a rock (yet), I've just stopped blogging for awhile. I think I'm blocked.

I'm coming down with a cold. The second one this season. This almost never happens, as I usually have one per school year. And I had it. Last month.
My students are behaving nicely. They are discussing, responding, listening, reading, writing, working, and learning (I hope!).
My mom's health is failing, and that's bumming me out.
The sun has actually shown its sweet face for two entire days in a row!
My love life is completely down the tubes. Unless we count my crush on Cesar Chavez. Which doesn't seem to be working out, as he's deceased.
My daughter is a healthy, happy, productive member of society.
My hair is stupid.
I have funny, warm, smart, loving, and tolerant friends.

That's the long and the short of it. The good and the bad. Upside downside. Pleasure and pain.
I, like the Democrats, will be back. Stronger and wiser.
With any luck at all.


PrairieHomie said...

Evidence of the thick and thin is right, here, darlin'. Who else reads this drivel? HA!

Your love and friendship is a gift that only those who know unconditional love appreciate. One of my wishes for the world is that everyone has just one friend like you. It's maaaaaahvelous.

Now, get blogging, slacker! I'll advertise your blog here, and my legions of readers will flock to join you in stimulating conversation. Okay, so that's a big lie, but it will help to pass the time. Before you know it, you'll be back in the bosom of the Mecca in the Cornfield, where the Java House brews fine coffee, the library's LARGE, and life isn't quite so weeeeeeeeird.

Anonymous said...

Loved the Cesar Chavez comment. :-)

So which adjectives listed describing your friends are meant to describe me??????


PrairieHomie said...

All of 'em, silly! How would I survive without my dearest Cambridge walking buddy and lifeline to keep me normal? Well, okay, sane. Relatively. I'll leave it at that.