Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm That Guy

I just finished watching "Sideways," (She's just now seeing Sideways? Yup.) and guess what? I'm Miles! Yes, everyone seeing a movie tends to identify with a character, that's what we're supposed to do if the writing's any good, but boy, did I get this guy. He's kind of pathetic, in a much-cuter-than-I-am sort of way, but I get him.

Okay, so I'm not a wine geek, I don't vacillate between tasting and guzzling, I don't steal money from my mother on her birthday. But I forgot, yes, FORGOT my mother's 86th birthday today. She's been on my mind so much lately, I've been talking to her on the phone a lot because her health is failing, and I call often to check in. Don't ask me how I forgot the birthday, just did. Freud would have a field day.

I also haven't had a novel rejected three times. Only because I haven't written one.

I teach English, though, and I can definitely relate to feeling that sometimes, no matter how hard I try to walk a reasonably straight line, mind myself so as not to get into trouble, treat people with decency and respect, and do the right damn thing, life just goes.......Sideways.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you forgot your mother's birthday.....
you, the perfect daughter!!!

At least your daughter got her card on the right day! :-)


PrairieHomie said...

Yeah, believe it. FORGOT. Geeze, the next thing you know, I'll be driving to a friend's house and walking home cuz I forgot I drove- HA! GOTCHA!
You know very well that I relinquished my perfect daughter status loooooong ago. I'm probably #3 of 3 about now.

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen Sideways or identified closely with anyone lately other than the dinosauer sized bunny in residence under the wheelbarrow under the back porch. Both of us have trouble going sideways anywhere. Finally learned how to turn on my computer to get to this blog - keep it going!

PrairieHomie said...

A bunny? Really? Right under the porch? I LOVE bunnies!
You keep turning on that puter, and I'll keep blogging. Deal?