Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So STOOPID it Hurts

Have you ever felt so embarrassed for someone that it almost hurts? Ever had that feeling for a complete stranger? It probably has something to do with our egos, feeling that somehow someone's behavior is reflected back on us, but I prefer to think it's our compassionate natures kicking in. It's no secret that I don't like our president, and might even take a tiny bit of pleasure seeing him embarrass himself, but when I read about the following, I actually winced.

Lots of people have probably heard that Bush said the word "shit" to Tony Blair when the mike was on after a dinner at the end of the G8 summit. And he did some kind of weird neck massage thing to Germany's chancellor, but, in my book, the worst was an exchange that took place at that same "shit" dinner. This is where my wincing comes in. Read this section of a post from the Democratic Undergound, and see if you don't feel the same excrutiating unease:

"So the president said "shit" and couldn't hold a conversation without stuffing his face. We've all done it. But what's as concerning to me, if not more, was the manner by which the president spoke with his fellow world leaders in an unguarded moment caught on tape. Hint: Like an idiot. When asked by someone, most likely an aide, something about whether or not the president wanted a prepared statement to close the meeting, Bush replied, "No. Just gonna make it up. I'm not going to talk too damn long like the rest of them. Some of these guys talk too long."

Then, the president shifted his conversation to, quite likely though the exchange wasn't on camera, Chinese President Hu Jintao. "Gotta go home," Bush said. "Got something to do tonight. Go to the airport, get on the airplane and go home. How about you? Where are you going? Home?" Continuing, Bush added, "This is your neighborhood. It doesn't take you long to get home. How long does it take you to get home?"

Though the reply was inaudible, Bush then said, "Eight hours? Me too. Russia's a big country and you're a big country." As the Washington Post indicates, it's at this point that the president apparently brought someone else into the exchange. "It takes him eight hours to fly home," Bush said, telling a server that he wanted a Diet Coke. "It takes him eight hours to fly home. Eight hours. Russia's big and so is China."

Russia's big and so is China? Just gonna make it up? Is he, as Cenk Uygur said, a third grader? Do you feel a lot safer knowing that you voted for a man whose idea of tableside conversation is asking world leaders how long their ride home is and marveling at the size of their countries? "

Oh George, too bad you didn't grow up in my household, where we learned that when in an unfamiliar social situation, use basic good manners and SHUT UP. Because it's better to be viewed as quiet and perhaps uncomfortable than stupid and too stupid to know you're stupid.

And this is my president. Ooooooooooh ouchie!

1 comment:

Irina said...

I have felt embarrassed for others many times in my life. Mostly, for bad actors' flops on stage, or similar events. As to "our" President, I can't feel embarrassed for him, or feel anything else towards him. Ever since he was elected, Heaven knows by whose provisions, I have shut any feelings towards him off, and whenever he appears on TV, I switch the channel. It is too painful to watch...